Replace Roses with New Roses

Q: I recently moved to Victoria to a house with a wonderful garden. We have a large rose garden that I would like to reorganise as some of the roses are doing better than others and they are beginning to look all ‘bunched up’. There appears to be different types of roses as well with one standard that has not flowered at all this year. (My standard in the front garden has also only produced 2 roses this year) I have no idea how old the roses are but have a feeling that roses have just been added ‘willy nilly’ over the years. Would I be able to remove all the roses, clean the bed and replant them. If so when would be the best time to do this?

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in anticipation.

If a person is not fully happy with roses, its by far best to dig them out, shovel prune and replace with far better varieties of the person’s choice. Roses are a very inexpensive plant, under $30 buys you the very finest quality of bush that will produce armloads of roses in the first summer.

Most nurseries are sold out in summer, best selection would be in spring or fall bare-root from nurseries that do mail order. Even though fall planting is great, the vast vast majority of our market is now geared up for the most popular time, spring planting. I would suggest removing the poor roses now, amend the beds with fresh compost,manure, organics and let it mellow until spring.