12 Exercise Excuses and How to Overcome Them

Try these retorts whenever excuses to not exercise start filling your head

Stop putting off exercise and lace up those trainers!

If you’ve been putting off regular exercise, confront your excuses with these simple comebacks

  • No time: Schedule an appointment with yourself and don’t break it. Ask a fitness professional for ideas. Exercise during commercial breaks on television.
 You can make time.
  • Interferes with work or studies: Physical activity helps boost brain function. With clearer thinking and increased energy you’ll actually be more productive.

  • Family obligations: Get your family involved in activities like swimming, skating or hiking. Plan more active family get-togethers.

  • Too tired: Regular exercise increases energy levels. Improved blood circulation helps improve the delivery of oxygen to muscles and the brain leaving you feeling energized.

  • Exercise is hard: Find an easy activity like walking, and progress at a moderate pace.

  • Bad weather is a deterrent: Dress for the conditions or exercise indoors. Many activities can be done inside – like wall climbing, tennis and even golf.

  • Exercise is boring: Find a fun activity, or choose from several different activities to avoid boredom.

  • No facilities or equipment: You don’t need a gym or equipment to exercise. Go for a hike or a brisk walk, or do calisthenics at home.

  • Too expensive: Walking is cheap. For weight-training exercises, use your own body weight or improvised equipment, like soup cans.

  • Fear of injury: Choose an activity with a low injury risk. To avoid injury, learn proper technique from a personal trainer or specific sports instructor.

  • Lack of motivation: Exercise with a friend and choose activities you enjoy, or hire a personal trainer to inspire you.

  • Health problems: Everyone can do some kind of activity. Ask your doctor and work with a fitness professional or physical therapist. Gentle exercise is healing!

Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.