A cacti provides a short but magical surprise

A short, sweet and stunning surprise.

Credit: David Tarrant

A cacti flower in bloom brings short, sweet joy

Every now and again there are truly magical moments in all of our gardens. This was one for me.

One day last week at dusk this magnificent flower popped open on one of my cacti in a collection of pots on the patio.

While all cacti are native to the New World, and of course many to Mexico, this one is native to South America and found in Northern Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil. It is, I believe, Echinopsis oxygona.

The amazing thing about this particular flower is that it literally popped open at dusk and lasted about 22 hours. Obviously, it must have been pollinated by moths or other night-flying insects in its habitat.

Now, of course, cacti make excellent houseplants in Canada. They like well-drained gritty soil, and will produce exotic flowers in a home environment.

Just wanted to share this lovely flower!