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A Comprehensive Approach to Infertility

Grace Fertility is a human-scale partner in helping Vancouver couples conceive.

Grace Fertility Centre

For most women, getting pregnant is easy. For women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), having no periods provokes anxiety and frustration. PCOS can affect women’s menstrual cycles, fertility and reproductive hormones. The recent introduction of the PCOS Clinic at Grace Fertility and Reproductive Medicine (Grace Fertility Centre) provides an invaluable service for these women.

Classic symptoms of PCOS are irregular cycles with chronic anovulation (no egg release from disturbed hormone regulation of the menstrual cycle) leading to infertility, and elevated male hormones manifested as increased body hair growth in some women.

“PCOS affects 6-10% of women in their reproductive years,” says Dr. Anthony Cheung, founder and medical director of Grace Fertility Centre. “Weight gain and pre-diabetic insulin resis-tance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia are common associations.”

The PCOS Clinic provides on-site vaginal ultrasound assessment of the ovaries and endometrium, and endometrial biopsies for early detection of endometrial pathology.

A leading and respected researcher in the field, Dr. Cheung recommends women with no periods and chronic anovulation to be assessed even if fertility is not an immediate concern.

“Women with chronic anovulation can develop endometrial hyperplasia, and if not corrected, lead to early precancerous changes,” adds Dr. Cheung.

Since the inception of the centre three years ago, Dr. Cheung and his team have helped many patients overcome their infertility problems.

The PCOS Clinic is a supportive and welcoming referral centre, with a caring team of professionals who understand how infertility and PCOS can impact patients.

“We are the only formalized PCOS referral service in B.C. associated with research and the PCOS Registry (compiling long-term public health data) which we hope benefits patients and the medical and scientific community,” says Dr. Cheung.