DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags

Create your own waterproof zipper pouch using plastic shopping bags.

Credit: Andrea Tucker

Did you know it takes 1,000 years for polyethylene shopping bags to break down? Why not save a few from the landfill and create a sturdy and waterproof zipper pouch!

Follow these simple and easy steps create a sturdy and waterproof zipper pouch!

Earth Day event: April 18, 2009

Want to learn how to make more unique recycled crafts?


Stop by the Grand Court Metropolis at Metrotown on Saturday, April 18, 11–3:00 p.m., and take part in the Metropolis at Metrotown Earth Day Event.


This interactive event will show how the many things people often throw away can be reused, recycled and recreated into unique, useful items.


Hosted by the Craft Mafia and many more unique artists, this FREE event is sure to have something for everyone!


• Iron

• Ironing board

• Parchment paper

• Plastic shopping bags

• Sewing machine

• Thread

• Scissors

• Zipper

Step One: Gather two plastic shopping bags.

Step Two:
Lay each bag flat and cut off the bottom seam and handles. Slit the side open so that the bag can be opened and laid flat.

DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags


Fold the bag so that the image faces inside (if facing outside, the image may rub off). Fold the bag so that you have 6-8 layers (ideal, but feel free to experiment). The layers can be achieved either by folding the bag into itself or by using more bags stacked on top of each other.


Step Three: Sandwich the stack of plastic bags between two pieces of parchment paper.


DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags


Step Four: Prepare your iron and make sure it is at a low setting (level 2). If you find that the plastic is not fusing together, then turn your iron up to a higher setting (level 3 – Rayon).

Keep your iron constantly moving and don’t forget the edges! Once the plastic has melted into one sheet, you’re done!

CAUTION: Make sure that your workspace is well ventilated when ironing plastic

DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags

Step Five:
Fused plastic can be sewn just like regular fabric. Pin a zipper to the widest end of the plastic piece and sew in place with the zipper foot on your machine. Turn and do the same so that the zipper is attached to the fused plastic piece.

DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags DIY zipper pouch using plastic bags


With wrong sides facing together and the zipper half way open, sew up the edges. Make sure that the zipper is open so that you can open the pouch to turn it inside out.

And, voila! You just made yourself an inexpensive, sturdy and waterproof zipper pouch.