Why You Should Add Swimming to Your Exercise Routine

Few other sports offer a cardio and strength workout while cushioning your joints and toning your abs

Swimming is excellent for your abs, not to mention your heart and lungs

Water can support 90% of body weight, making swimming a shock-free workout that cushions the joints.

Swimming increases fitness levels by challenging the heart and lungs, and improves strength by adding resistance against moving limbs.

Swimming also strengthens the abdominals, which are continually contracted thanks to the postural alignment needed in many swimming motions.

Health Benefits of Swimming

If you exercise regularly, swimming can serve as a cross-training element of your regular workouts. If you are recuperating from an injury, swimming can help keep your heart rate up without stressing the injured area.

Swimming burns about three calories a mile per pound of bodyweight.

If you’re not fit enough to swim the distances needed for a higher calorie burn, try doing rhythmic exercises in the water as these mostly use the larger leg muscles that burn more calories.

Originally published in Wellness Matters, Canada Wide Media’s quarterly newsletter on health and wellness.