How to Make Calendula Oil

A savior for all skin-related plights, the petals of marigolds are as physically beneficial as they are beautiful

Calendula flower

There’s more to pot marigolds than just good looks

Calendula officinalis (or pot marigold) flowers are sunny, bright and prolific in the garden. They’re also a healing force in the herbal medicine cabinet

Calendula petals contain unique anti-inflammatory properties, especially useful in soothing inflamed (bruised, burned, wounded or sore) and itchy (bites, rashes, eczema and diaper irritations) skin situations.

The oil is also very useful for therapeutic and relaxation massage treatments. You can use calendula oil as is, applying it sparingly directly to the skin. Or, you can use calendula oil as a base for herbal salves and creams.

Calendula oil

How to Make Calendula Oil

To make calendula oil, you need to infuse oil (olive or grape seed) with the flowers.

  1. Collect a basketful of calendula flowers. You will need up to 250 grams (9 ounces) of fresh flower heads to infuse a pint (500-mL) jar of oil. Smaller quantities will work too; simply adjust the ratio accordingly.
  2. Pull the calendula petals from the flower heads and spread the petals thinly on a flat surface such as a plate or cookie sheet. Leave the petals to dry for about a week, turning occasionally. When the petals are completely dry, place them in a jar. They should almost fill the jar (loosely).
  3. Pour olive or grape seed oil over the petals to completely fill the jar. Cover tightly with the lid. Place the jar in a cool dark location and allow the oil to infuse for three to four weeks.
  4. Your calendula oil will turn a lovely orange colour when it’s ready. Strain the petals from the oil and store the calendula oil in small tightly sealed containers in a cool, dark place.

To use the oil, simply decant as required and apply directly to skin.