The Illuminaires Lantern Procession lights up Vancouver

Iconic annual Vancouver event celebrates light, art and community in new location.

Credit: Courtesy Public Dreams

Celebrate community, arts and culture at one of Vancouver’s most iconic annual events, the Illuminaires Lantern Procession

Public Dreams continues making magic in the Vancouver cultural landscape with the Illuminaires Lantern Procession on July 24, 2010. The procession is a large-scale, community celebration of expression, fantastical performances, light and art.

The live, interactive performance will be held from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. at a new location from year’s past; no longer at Trout Lake off Commercial Drive, this year’s Illuminaires Lantern Procession will take place at the W2 Storyeum in Gastown at 151 W Cordova Street.

The 31,00 square-foot space will be adorned with new art installations by local artists and members of the community.

This unique and memorable event is free to everyone.

Lantern making & open studio, Saturday, July 18

Make a lantern for Illuminares or just as an activity for family or friends! All workshops take place at the Public Dreams studio located at 141 – 2050 Scotia St, located at the back of the Artiste building, near the loading bay. Call and register ahead of time so to ensure a space: 604-879-8611.

Prices for lanterns range from $10-$30; all supplies are included. Find more info on Facebook.