Garden photography: 10 great tips

Ten great tips on garden photography.

What’s the best way to successfully photograph your garden?

Carol Pope interviews GardenWise Art Director, Susan Minton Green for her recommendations on how to best take garden photographs. Here are Susan’s top 10 tips.

Garden photography tips

    1. When using a digital camera; always choose the highest resolution possible. At least six pixels is great, although we can still use less if need be.
    2.Keep it spontaneous – it’s great to include the kids and kitty, but don’t ask them to pose. Nice and natural is the way to go.
    3. Take several shots from differing angles – be creative and have fun!
    4. Choose a slightly overcast day to take photos. A little cloud cover will eliminate shadows and the photo won’t look washed out from too-harsh light.
    5. Avoid taking photos at high noon, when the angle of the sun creates too much contrast.
    6. Don’t wet things down. While there is a school of thought that says this improves a garden photo, it doesn’t.
    7. Take time to pick up stray toys, garden debris and other distractions.
    8. While not a necessity, a tripod is an excellent strategy for sharp garden photos, especially in lower light.
    9. We love to receive before-and-after garden shots and they are always best when both shots are taken from exactly the same perspective.
    10. If you are using a 35-mm camera, use slide film instead of print if possible – the images will be much crisper.

Do you have incredible images of your garden that you’re just dying to share with others? Or do you have any photography tips that you want to share?

Feel free to email them to us at