Gift wrap inspired by the garden

Sculpted ribbon flowers and hand-paint wrapping paper inspired by the garden.

Credit: Carol Pope

When I’m looking for inspiration for wrapping gifts, I’ve learned to turn to my children

Recently my son made up a batch of his amazing chocolate-amaretto biscotti for me to share with GardenWise staff. My only problem was how to wrap up the rather boring jars.

Happily, my daughter Katherine stepped in to sculpt garden flowers from bits of leftover ribbon. Meanwhile, Elizabeth hand-painted garden-motif wrapping paper for other gifts that were later garnished with dried flowers and seedheads from the fall.

Bow made from ribbons shaped like a rose
Rose bow by Katherine

Colourful curly ribbons make great gift wrap for mason jars
Katherine’s secret: braid and twist the ribbon into flowers and fun ribbon sculptures

Close-up on daisy bow made from ribbons
Daisy bow closeup

Ribbon bow covers boring jar
Twist and curl ribbon for the feel of leafy foliage.

Hand panted gift wrap with dried flowers
Hand-painted garden wrapping paper by Elizabeth, garnished with a dried leek seedhead.