How to Grow Edible Mushrooms

Now you can grow edible mushrooms in your garden with a species called King Stropharia, a large edible species suited for cultivation in home gardens.

Credit: Carolyn Herriot

Now you can grow edible mushrooms in your garden with a species called King Stropharia (a.k.a. Wine caps or Garden Giant)

King Stropharia is a large edible species suited for cultivation in home gardens. These mushrooms need a moist shaded location, which remains humid and will not dry out. A $10 bag of spawn is enough to inoculate a 25-square foot trench, filled with 6 to12 inches of woodchips, coarse wood shavings and straw. Hardwood chips are best (alder, maple, birch, poplars), but the mushrooms will also grow on woodchips of conifers, except for cedar and redwood. Growth is slow below 50° F, best is 60–85° F. Over 100° F may kill the mycelium. Keep the mushroom bed moist. When white mycelium appear cover these gently with pre-moistened soil. You should expect mushrooms within a few months. Spring is a good time to begin. Here’s how: mushroom spawn 1. Buy spawn (above). Try Western Biologicals. 2. Dig a 24 ft. long, 1ft. wide, 12 in. deep trench. 3. Line with 3 sheets of newspaper (soy ink only). hardwood chips 4. Layer in 2 in. of fresh, coarse hardwood chips (above). bark mulch 5. Add 2 in. of shredded bark mulch (above). spread mushroom spawn 6. Spread 50% of spawn. straw 7. Layer with 2 in. of wet straw, (presoaked). 8. Another layer of hardwood chips. spawn 9. Layer with rest of spawn (above). 10. Cover with shredded bark mulch. 11. Cover with 2 in. layer of straw. 12. Water. tamp down mushroom spawn with plank 13. Place plank of wood over top of trench and tamp down gently for layers to make contact by walking on it (above). Leave covered with plank if frost threatens. Click here to read more about the Victory Garden Program. What do you think? Use the comment form to leave Carolyn your questions, thoughts and feedback.