Make Your Own Chemical-free Bath and Skin Products

Avoid unnatural products and chemicals

Credit: Sheena Adams

Eliminate Hidden Chemicals in Your Bath and Body Lotions

“Secret ingredients in bath products stink” – so says Canada’s environment advocate David Suzuki this week. I agree. In fact, I find I can’t walk down the bath-oil and body-lotion aisle in stores anymore without feeling like I am gasping my way through a chemical cloud.

What can we do about it? First, consider signing this note of protest Suzuki has conveniently scripted for us. I did.

And, next, make your own/grow your own. It’s easy, ecological, and inexpensive – and you’ll enjoy knowing you’re not soaking in a tub of toxins. Check out these 10 garden-inspired body-care recipes by our Ayurvedic-trained holistic-living counsellor, Sheena Adams:

Natural Skincare Remedies and Recipes